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Change Of Color Of Age Spot

Change Of Color Of Age Spot

An age spot is not something out of the ordinary. Many people around the world have them. Look closely at the skin of many of the adults around and it is possible for you to discover this skin condition on more than 60% of them. The skin condition had been around since man himself had been existing on earth. Both males and females can also get affected with it. There is also possibility of discovering the skin condition on people of younger age; especially if they are consistently exposed to the sun.

When this skin is exposed to the sun excessively, the sun triggers the production of more melanin than normal.  This leads to the production of age spot on the skin. An age spot can also be referred to as a liver spot because it tends to have the same color as that of the liver. It should be noted however that there is no link between the liver and liver spots. The name is just a similarity of color.

When an age spot changes color

An age spot will first appear as a pale color slightly darker than your skin, but will progressively become darker. Do not forget that the accumulated melanin responsible for the appearance of age spot is responsible for skin coloration, so if an age spot appears which is not inkeeping with your skin tone you should get it checked by a doctor. Also an age spot should be consistent in color. If your age spot begins to develop different colors or is irregular in color you should ask a doctor to take a look, just to make sure it is in fact only an age spot.

But as time goes on, the color of age spot tends to change. It can change from the usual light brown color to a few shades darker. This only occurs when the skin condition is left untreated for a very long time. When this change in color occurs, it becomes very easy for anyone from a distance to notice the skin condition on the affected person.

Age Spot vs Cancer

It should however be noted that there is no link between the darkened appearance of an age spot and cancer. Because the age spot changes in color does not translate to the formation of a cancerous growth. It should also be noted that the same kind of treatment that is used against the light brown age spot is the same used for treating the dark spot that results. If you are at all concerned about the nature of any new marks on your skin, aska dermatologist to take a look, its better to be safe than sorry.

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