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Hydroquinone Alternatives

Hydroquinone Alternatives

Many people treat pigmentation by using bleaching creams containing hydroquinone to remove liver spots or brown patches successfully from the face or from some other parts of the body. The chemical hydroxyl-phenolic which is also known as Hydroquinone has the potential to succesfully bleach pigmentation on the surface of the skin within a short period – usually only weeks. It is believed that Hydroquinone has the ability to block the pathway of some enzymatic activities that regulates the production of melanin. Tyrosinase is the enzyme that regulates the production of melanin in the body, and when the pathway to this conversion is blocked, the hyperpigmentation of the skin is gradually stopped or altered.

Despite its success many people are wary of using hydroquinone due to its unconfirmed relationship with skin cancer. This connection comes from the results of tests performed on rats which proved a link between hydroquinone & skin cancer, but this has never been proved with humans. Due to this reason many people search for alternatives to using hydroquinone.

There are several hydroquinone alternatives that can be used to treat pigmentation on the skin. Non Hydroquinone creams for instance can be used to stop pigmentation, creams such as those containing about 20% of azelaic acid for instance is very effective and comes with few side effects. Some of the common likely side effects you can have when you use azelaic acid creams include; itching problems, scaling, redness, and a kind of burning sensation which subsides after some days.

Tretinoin cream is another alternative to Hydroquinone cream that can be used in treating pigmentation. In most cases, Tretinoin creams are added to hydroquinone or azelaic acid cream to increase its effectiveness, this formulation should be used by those whose skins are not too sensitive to Hydroquinone. Mild localized side effects such as skin peeling is often noticed in people who combine tretinoin creams with some other forms of treatment creams. Dry skin, and irritation may also be noticeable. Generally pigmentation reacts slowly to treatment by tretinoin when compared to hydroquinone. Other retinoid creams such as tazaratone can also be used for treating pigmentation .

Tri-Luma therapy is the combination of some prescription creams . It is a combination pigmentation cream treatment that includes fluocinolone acetonide 0.01%, hydroquinone 4%, and tretinoin 0.05%. This form of treatment often becomes very effective especially between 6-8 weeks after beginning the treatment, and it must be discontinued after 8 weeks except when advised otherwise by your doctor. Pregnant women and those breastfeeding are normally disallowed from using such products. Tri Luma therapy is particularly good for pigmentation. It is highly effective and comes with minimal side effects in most cases.

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