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Liver Spots Home Remedy

Liver Spots Home Remedy

Liver spots are a skin condition characterized by dark spots with colors ranging from brown tan-brown to red or black. They are caused by exposure to harsh sunlight and appear mainly on adults aged above the age of forty. As the skin ages it becomes less immune to the harsh effects of the sun and production of excess melanin by the body causes formation of these dark spots.

Liver spots occur mainly on parts of the body that are regularly exposed to sunlight such as the face, shoulders, upper arms and the back of the hands. It is however good to note that, complications of the liver do not necessarily cause liver spots, unless in severe cases where the liver is unable to break down toxins in the body. The only similarity between liver spots and the liver is color.

Liver spots are harmless and painless. In very rare cases however, they have however been known to hinder detection of cancerous cells. If your spots change in size or shape often, you are advised to consult a doctor so as to rule out the possibilities of skin cancer.

There are many remedies for liver spots nowadays. They vary from simple home remedies to specialized laser treatments, light therapy and also electro surgery. Some of the home remedies include the application of castor oil, apple cider vinegar, aloe gel and purchase of skin lighteners (also known as bleaches). For those who want quick treatment and can afford it, there are options such as the high intensity pulsed light therapy, laser therapy and electro surgery.

At home however one can also use lemon juice or for much better results one can also prepare a lemon sugar scrub to apply on the liver spots.  The lemon sugar scrub is easy to mix up in just a few minutes. The use of the lemon sugar scrub is quite efficient since the lemon is a natural skin efoliator and the sugar granules fade liver spots very effectively.

In the preparation of the mixture, the lemon juice should not be used undiluted since it has a very high p.H. To prepare the mixture first roll and press the lemon on a hard surface to mush up the inside. This eases the extraction of the juice. Then mix the juice with an equal amount of water. Add white granule sugar gradually until it forms a paste. Rub this mixture on the skin lightly and do not overdo the rubbing.

To prepare moisturized lemon sugar scrub, add almond oil to the mixture and then rub the mixture on the liver spots. Individuals allergic to nuts should avoid any treatment that contains almond oil.

The lemon sugar scrub has been known to work wonders in the removal of liver spots and is recommended to individuals seeking an effective home remedy.

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