Skin Pigmentation Classifications
Problems in melanin production often result to skin disorders such as skin pigmentation. Low or High Melanin production usually occurs when skin cells are injured. Melanin, which is produced by skin cells, is what basically determines the skin color. Uneven patches on the skin are due to unstable Melanin creation. Overproduction of Melanin can cause darker skin spots and the low production of it create lighter spots.
Natural causes like pregnancy, self inflicted cases like very little sun protection to diseases such as Addison’s disease are the most common reasons behind of skin pigmentation. Skin pigmentation has many cases like Melasma, Solar Lentigo and Vitiligo which are common cases observed for this kind of skin condition. Skin pigmentation may have varying degrees categorized as Epidermal and Dermal. When the disorder is seen only on the superficial area of the skin, it is categorized as Epidermal. Deeper skin discoloration that goes beyond the outer layer of the skin is considered as Dermal.
Dark spots usually found on the face would be categorized as a condition called Melasma. Common known causes of melasma would be excessive sun exposure and pregnancy. For basic cases of Melasma, chemical peels are usually recommended by dermatologists while advanced cases may need to use new treatments like laser and diamond peels.
Age spots, liver spots or sun spots are usually noted by most as a normal skin condition but these are actually classified as a form of skin pigmentation medically known as Solar Lentigo. When skin is usually exposed to the sun and is not protected, most people acquire Solar Lentigo. This type of skin ailment is mostly seen on people who are in their 50’s or 60’s. This condition, though it may look natural, would need to be treated with more state-of-the-art measures like cryosurgery and laser.
Vitiligo is usually due to production of lesser Melanin which results to light patches instead of darker patches. More advanced cases can lead to intensified whitening of patches covering various areas in the skin, which will be the complete opposite of the natural skin color. People with darker skin tones usually are more susceptible to this type of skin pigmentation. There is still no concrete cause determined by experts on this type of skin condition. Some assume that this condition comes from sun burns while other factors considered are due to genetic, hereditary, neurogenic and immunologic reasons.
For all known causes of skin pigmentation, the most frequent factor would be due to sun exposure. Without the right amount of sun protection, skin cells are most likely to be ruined. Sun screens with high SPF formulation are the best sun protection recommended.