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To have glowing flawless skin is almost everybody’s dream. This is just not about being vain, it also has something to do with one’s self confidence. The skin radiates the health within a person so a healthy complexion could mean a healthy person. A persons overall appearance can be judged with his skin. The skin offers protection and cover for the whole body. Since human skin is not as tough and thick like other animals, we ought to take care of it. If our skin is damaged we somehow lose our confidence and self esteem. With the dawn of new technology, many procedures have been designed to help repair skin. Skin care treatments could come in many forms and surgical procedures. Things like creams and surgery are obtainable for someone who needs to have a skin treatment.

Dermabrasion is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes the thin outermost layer of the skin, stratum corneum. It peels away the skin in an unnatural way. Dermabrasion is used to remove damaged skin, age spots, liver spots, dark spots, keratosis, wrinkles and scars.

The outermost layer of the skin is removed by a dermabrader in a process known as sanding. Dermabraders vary from its type and utility; there are electric sanders and laser sanders. Traditional dermabrasion process using an electric sander is more painful than laser treatments. This incorporates use of a general anaesthetic so the patient can endure the pain. Using laser technology, this can be avoided.

After the dermabrasion procedure, the skin may look very red and raw, and it takes a great deal of care to prevent infection. Regeneration and healing may be long afterwards. Superficial scars are easy to remove with dermabrasion, but deep scars are not recommended for dermabrasion. The laser dermabrasion procedure may reduce all of hassle of classic dermabrasion, and it is much easier to control.

Before you decide to go through this procedure, please consult a dermatologist first. Your immune system and body recovery is important to be at the best of its health to help you go by the procedure. Ample rest and good hygiene is also important.
