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Treating Age Spots Naturally

Treating Age Spots Naturally

Treating Age Spots NaturallyAge spots, though totally harmless, greatly affect your physical appearance in a negative way. That is why people are searching desperately for treatment choices that can help them be free from age spots as before. Treatments for age spots or liver spots vary – some use chemicals, some use laser or cryogens and some use medicated creams. But if you are not ready for such harsh treatments, you are lucky because milder and natural treatments do exist. Instructions on how to prepare these natural remedies are fairly easy.

One very good natural remedy is the application onto the skin of lemon juice which has bleaching properties that help to get rid of age spots. Rub the lemon juice on your skin once in the morning and once in the evening, permitting it to dry before leaving your house. Since this is a natural form of cure, it lasts for a very long time, about several months, before your liver spots completely vanish. You can also opt to use other fruits that have a high Vitamin C content as an alternative like oranges, papayas, guavas or berries.

When we slit open an aloe vera plant, we obtain a gel that is commonly rubbed onto the skin to help remove age spots. This gel can heal burns, skin irritation, insect bites, infections and rashes. Aside from this, it can remove liver spots.

The horseradish root – a plant that has diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant properties – is also regarded as a good age spot remedy. To come up with a solution you can apply on your face daily and that can help fade age spots through peeling, mix horseradish root, a half teaspoon of both vinegar and lemon juice and two to three drops of rosemary altogether.

Have you ever heard that eggs are also considered as a natural remedy for age spots? Yes, they are! Yes, you heard right! You just need to integrate an egg white with powdered almonds and one-half teaspoon of lime juice and you now have an immediate all-natural facemask. Just wait for it to dry and then clean up using warm water and then cold water.

Sour milk can be used as an age spot remover because it has lactic acid. Apply it onto your face, wait for a little less than an hour and then remove the substance by washing it off with tepid water. Sour milk gradually removes liver spots because the lactic acid it has peels off the skin’s injured topmost layer. But unlike chemical peels, this is not a/an synthetic treatment.

Now, for those of you who are terrified to try severe treatments, for those of you who do not have enough funds to pay for these treatments’ expensiveness, or for those of you who have been undergoing a certain treatment for a long time but nothing happens: try some of these natural remedies already and start to see results gradually.

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