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Keratosis Facts

Keratosis Facts

It never feels good to be stared by others. People today are even more concerned with their looks than ever before. Minor skin imperfections never go unnoticed. Still, only a few know exactly how to prevent them from occurring or how to treat them when they do occur without making the problem worse or leaving yourself with a scar – even worse than the problem you had to begin with.

How often you stay under the sun? Surely, a day never goes by without subjecting yourself into it. Well, study shows that sun exposure contributes to proper blood circulation as well as helps you to sleep better. However, experts suggest staying out of the sun when the sun is at the strongest that is among 10am till 3pm. exposing you to intense sunlight results to skin problems like keratosis. Are you familiar with this skin condition? All you know is that you will develop skin cancer when you are exposed to extreme heat. Most likely, this is true if you ignore its early signs and keratosis is one of them.

Keratosis comes in various types. The most dangerous type is solar keratosis, which occur as a result to accumulative sunlight overexposure. Moreover, this type is precancerous, which means that there is a chance that this condition could advance into skin cancer if not treated immediately. Seborrheic keratosis and keratosis pilaris both are believed to last for life and are inherited. You might wonder why this skin condition occurs.

The keratin, characterized as strong rubbery protein vital in developing healthy skin, nails and hair. Once it builds up on the epidermis, the outer skin layer, it gradually plugged the pores in your skin thus causing keratosis. Common symptoms are red bumps and rough surface. It may even resemble like pimple or acne and may also look like the skin of a chicken. Their manifestations are not only limited to parts which are exposed to sunlight but they could also appear on other areas.

Treatments are widely available and it is best that you talk to a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and recommendations. These may include prescribed medications, cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy, laser treatment, curettage, chemical peeling and even natural remedy.

But the finest treatment you could prectice is prevention. Know what is best and harmful for your skin. Internally and externally, your skin is affected. What you take into your body contributes to the health of your skin and what you do outside in protecting them can be seen on their texture.
Now you know that the health of your skin should never be taken for granted. If you are doubtful with the skin growths or lesions in it, seek professional advice immediately.

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