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Liver Spots – The Most Effective Removal Methods

Liver Spots – The Most Effective Removal Methods

Liver spots are often characterized by some yellowish-brown spots which always appear flat on the skin. Liver spots often take years to develop on the skin and they often result from exposure of the body to the damaging sun rays. Liver spots often result from the over production of melanin which tend to help the body fight against the damaging sun rays. This will result in  uneven skin discolouarations as well as pigmentation problems. A combination of both protective materials and natural therapies can help prevent or remove liver spots.

The use of sunscreen or sunblock is essential if you actually want to protect yourself from liver spots. Even if you stay indoors, you should be aware of the fact that UV rays are always present, it is essential you protect yourself, especially when you are outdoors. You must use a sunscreen or sunblock containing an SPF level that matches your skin type and colour.

Wearing the proper attire or clothes is one other thing you must ensure that you do to protect your skin. You should be practical when choosing the clothes that you wear especially when you go out, choose those that are not too heavy or tight on your especially when you are going out in a sunny weather, make sure they protect your skin as much as possible.

You need to be careful of the aftershave or perfume you use. These materials are made up of chemicals which may increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. You need to use this product very sparingly especially when under the excessive heat of the sun, be vigilant and read labels of the products to prevent your skin from being made more sensitive to the skin. Spray the perfume on your hair or clothes instead, or on areas of skin hidden by clothing and not exposed to the sun.

Chemical peels, laser treatments as well as bleaching creams are some of the most effective ways to remove liver spots from your skin.  Skin whitening creams contain Hydroquinone which can be very harmful for your skin especially when your skin is too sensitive for such. The kind of liver spot treatment you use may depend on the extent of liver spot damage on your skin, as well as your sensitivity to the various forms of treatments available.

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