

You must have heard a lot about pigmentation and hyper pigmentation. But it is possible that you do not know anything much about hypopigmentation. While hyperpigmentation is due to the formation of excess melanin in the skin, hypopigmentation is due to the lack of melanin & therefore the loss of skin pigment.  Anyone having hypo pigmentation will end up having lighter skin color. What is responsible for skin color is the melanin in the skin. When the melanin is damaged one way or the other, it can lead to hypopigmentation. The melanocytes responsible for producing melanin will be few in number and this will lead to the production of very little amount of melanin.

Melanocytes depend on a chemical referred to as tyrosine. Tyrosine is an essential amino acid in the human body. It is depended upon by melanocytes to produce melanin. In case there is depletion in the quantity of the amino acid, the ability of the melanocytes to produce melanin will also reduce and this will lead to smaller amount of melanin. This situation will lead to the formation of a lighter skin color, which is referred to as hypo pigmentation.

This actually has its own negative effect on the skin. Melanin protects the skin from the UV ray from the sun. Its defect will only lead to exposure of the skin to the UV ray and this will lead to lots of complications on the skin.

There are some medical therapies that can lead to this skin condition.  One of them is laser treatment. Laser therapies make use of lights of different wavelengths. There are some wavelengths that can lead to hypopigmentation. This is why you need to ensure that the medical personnel performing any laser therapy on you is a real expert in the field.

While it is true that hypo pigmentation can be caused by exposure to some wavelengths of laser, it is also true that the skin condition can be treated using laser therapy. There are some other wavelengths of laser that can be used to correct the aberration caused by the earlier laser wavelength.

There are some skin conditions that are linked to hypopigmentation. Some of them include albinism, leprosy, leucism, vitiligo, phenylketonuria and several other skin conditions.

No one should ever attempt to treat hypopigmentation or any of the skin conditions associated with it at home. The best thing you can do when you notice them is to pay a visit to the hospital where experts can attend to you.

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Treatment Of Hereditary Pigmentation

Pigmentation And Sun Exposure


Pro’s & Con’s of Bleaching Creams for Liver Spots

Pro’s & Con’s of Bleaching Creams for Liver Spots

Bleaching creams are often used to fade liver spots that develop from genetic factors and excessive exposure of the skin to the sun. It is vital to understand the advantages as well as the possible side effects of using any form of bleaching creams on the body and the more you know the better informed you are for the usage of bleaching creams.  Natural based whitening or fading creams are generally preferred to synthetic or chemically induced creams.

Bleaching creams can help to boost the self esteem of an individual because they gradually fade liver spots making them easier to cover up with makeup. These creams often show some positive signs of effectiveness especially after continuously applying them for between 2-3 weeks. One of the other benefits of using a bleaching cream to fade liver spots is that some can also smooth the skin improving fine lines and wrinkles, giving an all round anti aging benefit.

One of the con’s of bleaching creams for liver spots is the presence of Hydroquinone which is a chemical agent prepared from hydrocarbons. Hydroquinone is thought to be responsible for mutating cells and also pose a potential skin cancer risk on sensitive skin, but to date this had only been confirmed on rats & the risk to humans is still unknown. Most liver spot bleaching creams contain a substantial amount of Hydroquinone in them, hence you need to check the sensitivity of your skin to chemicals of such nature before you use them.

Mercury is another agent found in some bleaching creams. Mercury is a heavy metal which can be life threatening and causes irreversible damage to the skin even when it is present in a minute quantity causing brain , nerve, or kidney damage. Glucocortocosteroids are another chemical agents which are only safe when they are in smaller quantities. They are recommended in very small dosages however when the chemical agents are misused, then conditions such as osteoporosis, acne, muscle weakness, cataracts and some other serious health complications may also set in.

One other negative side effect of using bleaching creams for liver spots is that they may result in the darkening of the skin especially when used beyond the regulated period of usage. The skin may also become thinner with prolonged usage of bleaching creams. Aside from this, bleaching creams for liver spots are often more expensive than natural home remedies.

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Sunbeds Cause Liver Spots

Age/Liver Spots


Early Signs Of Keratosis

Early Signs Of Keratosis

Keratosis is generally characterized as the overgrowth of keratin in the skin. When your skin is repeatedly exposed to the sun, it is likely that some form of keratosis will be triggered. Other than that, there can be cases where the cause of this problem is from using tanning beds. To be specific, keratosis as a general term may refer to its different types, of which there are actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, and keratosis pilaris.

Among these three kinds of keratosis, the most dangerous type is actinic keratosis. It can be a precancerous condition which means leaving actinic keratosis untreated can lead to skin cancer. Those who are very often out in the open are the key candidates to this kind of keratosis. The areas of the body that are regularly overexposed to the heat of the sun are affected by this kind of condition most commonly the hands, back, ears, nose & legs.

Seborrheic keratosis is distinguished by a brown growth or a waxy lump on the surface of the skin. These bumps and growths which appear on the skin of an affected individual are benign.

Finally, keratosis pilaris is the kind of keratosis which affects the hair follicles. The most common area affected by this type of keratosis is the arms.

All of these types of keratosis can be treated, but first you must diagnose which type you are suffering from. Any changes to the skin could be an early sign of keratosis. You must be vigilent when you are dealing with skin conditions. A danger sign that you may see on your skin is its being damaged as evident with scaling, outlining and crusting. Multiple spots may also be another sign especially for the body parts that are usually exposed to the sun. Having these patches may appear as normal dryness of the skin but if it persists it could be an early sign of keratosis.

The spots may be red, pink, brown or gray in color, and become thicker if left without any treatment Even if there is no pain involved, the thickening of the spots may be a sign of the problems which keratosis has in store. Patients who have this skin condition usually have rough skin. When you touch your skin, compare it to how it felt before; and keep looking for further changes.

If you take part in outdoor activities and exposure to the sun is unavoidable, you should always use a high factor sunscreen or a sun block.

If you have troublesome skin spots, remember that it may be an early sign of keratosis. Besides inspecting your skin regularly, always ask a doctor to check a new lesion, & having an annual check up is a good idea.

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Remove Keratosis At Home

Spot Treat Facial Keratosis


Age Spot Treatment Options – Hydroquinone

Age Spot Treatment Options – Hydroquinone

If you already have an age spot or other skin pigmentation problems, you are probably aware of hydroquinone. However, if you have only just developed your first age spot and have never heard of hydroquinone, then read this very carefully. Hydroquinone is an active ingredient that is used in a number of ways but most notably used in the field of medicine especially dermatology. Because of its capacity of skin whitening by minimizing melanin production, it is considered to be an effective “whitening” treatment. Specifically, hydroquinone can be used in lightening various skin lesions such as an age spot, pimple scars, birth marks and freckles or in making uneven skin color even.

As the main ingredient of many bleaching creams, products containing hydroquinone are available in various strengths. It can be found in two percent, four percent or even stronger concentrations. In some countries, you can buy these topical lotions which have two percent hydroquinone over the counter or without a prescription. Yet hydroquinone of four percent and higher can be bought only if you have a doctor’s prescription.

The reason why hydroquinone is common in dermatology is mainly because of its capacity to decrease the generation of the pigment inherent in the skin, melanin – which gives our skin its color. This is due to its capacity to stop tyrosinase from doing its function – generation of melanin. Effects of this are usually evident after a month of applying hydroquinone. Therefore, dermatologists recommend this treatment regimen for its usefulness and considerably harmless properties.

It can be considerably effective in whitening the skin but there are also some negative points. Because hydroquinone works by minimizing the levels of melanin, individuals using this are therefore more at risk to the dangers of the sun’s ultraviolet rays – both UVA and UVB. For that reason, people who use hydroquinone have a higher risk of skin damage leading to skin cancer if they expose themselves to the sun. Similar to any other medication which is absorbed into the body through the skin, this can damage your liver and kidneys – the organs which are accountable for the metabolism and excretion of drugs. Another effect similar with most drugs is the possibility of an allergic reaction – breathing problems and inflammation of the face and the oral parts of the digestive system. Now, if you unintentionally use hydroquinone on injured skin or sun-burnt skin, mistaking the latter for age spot or problems with pigmentation, you can worsen the injuries’ or sunburns’ state. Other bad effects that arise when using hydroquinone are the permanent modification of the skin’s color, usually bluish to black and the appearance of skin vesicles and itchy, irritated and reddish skin.

The United States government inhibited the selling of hydroquinone as an over the counter drug in 2006. This is because studies have shown that the application of hydroquinone was responsible for cancers in rats. Though this only applies to rats and not to humans, as of yet, some still view hydroquinone as a likely cause of cancer. Although some people still can purchase hydroquinone for treating an age spot or other form of pigmentation, in concentrations of two or four percent over the counter in parts of the world. As a general safety reminder, if you observe unusual changes, stop the treatment and see your doctor.

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Age Spot Removal Cream UK

Melanoma Age Spot


Remove Keratosis At Home

Remove Keratosis At Home

Keratosis is no more an uncommon skin condition. Many people have it all over the place. You too stand a very good chance of having it. While some think it is associated with old age, it had been discovered that it can affect practically everyone; irrespective of the fact that you are old or young. It does not have any negative effect on the skin of those affected by it. Some may decide to leave it without treatment.

The only problem seborrheic keratosis can have is cosmetics in nature. Because of the way it makes the skin look ugly, you can decide to get rid of it so as to regain your smooth skin back.  Many methods are available for treating the skin condition. If you can spare the money, you can visit the hospital where surgery or some other medical methods can be used to help you get rid of the skin condition.

But in case you can’t spare the money, you can always look for home made solutions to the skin condition. Some very helpful home remedies for keratosis will be highlighted below.

Simple freezing techniques

In case you can’t spare the money for surgery, you can always get the keratosis removed at home by freezing g it. Liquid nitrogen is the most common substances used for this treatment. It only involves applying the liquid nitrogen directly on the surface of the skin condition. You can easily obtain liquid nitrogen over the counter. Place it on the keratosis and leave it for about ten seconds. Repeat this for several times during the day. The liquid nitrogen will get the keratosis frozen and it will shrink. This will help to get rid of the growth from your skin.

Topical applications

There are some topical solutions that are specially prepared for treating keratosis at home. You only need to apply the specially made topical creams on the skin condition and you can be sure of getting relieved from the skin condition.  Many of the specially made solutions are herbal in nature and they will be able to get rid of the keratosis within very short period of time.


Irrespective of the treatment method you employ, you need to consistently apply the treatment. Any failure to carry out these home remedies on daily basis will never give you any positive result on the skin condition.  With consistent application however, you can be sure that the skin condition will disappear from your skin over time.

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Spot Treat Facial Keratosis

Best Treatment For Keratosis


Treatment Of Hereditary Pigmentation

Treatment Of Hereditary Pigmentation

It is possible that you are having skin pigmentation. It is also possible that you actually inherited it from your parents. In case you are bothering if it is possible to treat this form of pigmentation, you should not worry anymore; there are several treatment options that you can apply to this skin condition and it will disappear from your skin after consistent treatment.

You need to understand that it is not possible to prevent the occurrence of the pigmentation. You also need to understand that the skin condition does not have any link whatsoever to cancer. But you can at least get it treated whenever it comes up on your skin. Through this write up, your eyes will be opened to some simple treatment methods that you can implement to get rid of the problematic skin condition.

Topical creams

One of the best ways to get rid of hereditary pigmentation on your skin is to make use of some specially made topical creams. The topical creams contain lightening agents. The lightening agents are of different types and they will help to lighten the spot on your skin and help to return your skin color to its normal state.  In most cases, the lightening agents in the topical creams will be hydroquinone. You should check the cream to ensure that the concentration of hydroquinone in it is not more than 4%. Anything more than that may end up having some contrary effect on your skin.  You can always come by these lightening creams over the counter. But make sure you apply the creams according to instruction. This will ensure you get the needed solution out of it.

Chemical peel

A chemical peel can also be implemented for the treatment of hereditary pigmentation. The chemical peel is made up of some acidic substances that have rather mild action one the skin. The chemical peel can be used to remove dead skins from your skin and this will also help to get rid of pigmentation.  Aside the fact that this method can help in treating hereditary pigmentation, it can also be helpful in improving the general appearance of the skin.

Laser too can help

Using laser to treat hereditary pigmentation can be very expensive. But this method had been discovered to be one of the most reliable ways to get rid of the skin condition. Aside the fact that laser will get rid of the skin condition permanently; it can also bring the needed solution under a very short period of time.

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Pigmentation And Sun Exposure

Is Skin Pigmentation Hereditary?


Sunbeds Cause Liver Spots

Sunbeds Cause Liver Spots

In the past many of us would bask in the sun for hours on end to achieve that perfect golden suntan. With the increased occurrence of skin cancers and the now known correlation between the sun and UV rays exposure however, many people have started to altogether move away from outdoor tanning and in the span of a few years this trend has been increasingly growing in acceptance.

With the arrival of sunbeds however, tanning is gaining acceptance again. In the span of just a few short years, artificial tanning and its assurance of safe use has become an crucial part of our culture that many people now regularly subject themselves to tanning sessions to get perfect bronzed skin.

In a nutshell, sunbeds are basically artificial versions of the same sun you get sunburn from, the only difference being that sunbeds use a form of UV with a slightly longer wavelength to give you your desired tan. Longer wavelength UVs work by going deeper into the epidermis stimulating pigment producing skin cells to produce melanin thus hastening the tanning process.

Contemporary scientific evidence available points to the fact that all UV wavelengths will increase the risk of skin cancer, liver spots and age spots despite of the wavelengths they are emitted at. The selling strategy by sunbed owners to claim their sunbeds are safe when using sunbeds is itself the cause of the problem as more people will be enticed to overuse tanning booths thereby aggravating their exposure to harmful UV rays that are just as deadly, whether from the sun or from the UV lamps inside the tanning chamber.

Generally, the skin is prone to liver spots and structural damage when subjected to any type of UV radiation. UV exposure, depending on the intensity and duration, can end with such short-term effects as burning, scarring, fragility, skin irritation and touch sensitivity. When treated for a long period and at a greater intensity, speeding of the skin’s aging process, which is known scientifically as photoageing, and will be observed. Photoageing manifests itself as wrinkling, the decrease of elasticity and suppleness, and a pronounced dryness and flaking. The dryness, flakiness and wrinkling indications can be traced to the breakdown of collagen, the structural building-block of skin, at the cellular level. Sunbeds are responsible for causing premature liver spots, wrinkles & skin cancer, even with infrequent use.

People who have inherently high tendencies to cancer of the skin, as in those with very pale skin, are best recommended to avoid any form of UV exposure, sunbeds being of primary consideration.

The next time you notice dry, flaky skin, and you cannot be certain since you’re careful enough to moisturize a lot, think of the times you’ve spent in the tanning booth pining for that perfect brownish tan and thank yourself for reading this ahead of time before it is too late.

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Age/Liver Spots

Is There A Cure For Liver Spots?


Hydrogen Peroxide For Seborrheic Keratoses

Hydrogen Peroxide For Seborrheic Keratoses

Seborrheic keratoses are a very common kind of benign skin growth. They can appear on any part of the body bust often affect the trunk and the back, and they can affect any gender. There is also no age limit to those who SK’s can affect. Any conspicuous manifestation of the skin condition calls for immediate action to get it removed. If it is not removed from the skin on time, the affected person may end up feeling ugly and unsightly. There are times it can also become irritated and lead to infection. This is sure to lead to further complication.

Many methods are available to help get rid of seborrheic keratoses from the skin. It is possible to remove seborrheic keratoses using home remedies and you can also visit hospitals for surgical treatment. Both methods can be very effective in getting rid of the skin condition, however many people prefer to find a treatment they can administer themselves as treatment of seborrheic keratoses is not covered on medical insurance as it is considered to be more of a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical one.

There is however a cheap and effective natural treatment for seborrheic keratoses you can do yourself at home. This method of treating seborrheic keratoses involves the use of hydrogen peroxide. It is rather a long standing method of getting the skin condition treated. So many individuals have taken time to make use of this method and they all have cause to appreciate it. In case you are having this skin condition, you too can depend on hydrogen peroxide to help you out.


Hydrogen peroxide had been discovered to have bleaching effect on seborrheic keratoses. When you apply it on the skin condition, it will help to bleach and dehydrate it. The dehydrated seborrheic keratoses will shrink in size, form a scab and fall off naturally.

When you want to apply the hydrogen peroxide, make sure you take special care not to allow the solution to touch the surrounding skin. This is because hydrogen peroxide can have a burning effect on the skin.  Dampen a cotton ball with water and dip it into the hydrogen peroxide. Apply the dampened cotton ball on the seborrheic keratosis and roll the cotton ball all over it. Hydrogen peroxide can get evaporated quickly. In order to prevent this, you can cover the seborrheic keratosis with band aid. The band aid will prevent the evaporation of the hydrogen peroxide and this will help to ensure its complete action on the skin condition.


This treatment method will not have any effect whatsoever on your seborrheic keratosis if you do not apply it consistently. Applying it twice in a day will be better for good result. You should do this every day until it hardens and forms a scab – but will require your own judgement of when is best to stop treatment.

seborrheic keratosesRead More Articles on: Seborrheic Keratoses

Home Remedies Seborrheic Keratoses

Home Remedy for Seborrheic Keratoses


Age Spot Removal Cream UK

Age Spot Removal Cream UK

An age spot is usually associated with the sun. Age spots develop on the skin if the skin is exposed to the sun excessively; especially as one grows older. The younger generation too can have age spot, but as one grows older, it becomes more common. The immune system of an old person is already compromised. Because of this, the sun is able to penetrate more into the skin and cause some genetic modification of the melanocytes, which are the cells that produce melanin. Melanin is responsible for producing the skin color. Once the cells are mutated this way, age spot is sure to ensue.

An age spot can be called by various names. It can be called a liver spot, brown spot, sun spot, solar lentigo or senile freckle, it should be noted however that they do not only affect the older generation; it has been known for a person as young as 30 to notice their first age spot . Are you living in the UK and looking for a way to treat your age spot? There are several methods available in the UK & England that you can use to easily get rid of age spots. A very good example of possible treatment method involves the use of topical creams.

Many manufactures are making topical creams especially for this today. Different topical creams contain various active ingredients. Some of the active ingredients may be very helpful on your skin, while some other ones may end up having negative effect on you. It will be wise to seek advice from your dermatologist before you attempt to make use of any of the creams to treat your age spot in the UK. The dermatologist will be able to determine which of the topical creams will not have an adverse effect on your skin.

Many of the topical creams contain hydroquinone as the active ingredient. Hydroquinone will help to bleach an age spot and give you your normal skin color back. The hydroquinone must not be too much anyway; so that further damage will not occur on your skin while treating the skin condition. The content of hydroquinone in any safe topical cream must not be more than about 4%.

You can simply get the topical creams over the counter. You do not need any prescription to get them. This is also a very cheap method to get rid of age spot from your skin. You can also make use of sunscreen to prevent the skin condition from becoming worse.

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Melanoma Age Spot

Change Of Color Of Age Spot



Spot Treat Facial Keratosis

Spot Treat Facial Keratosis

Keratosis appears in the form of growths on the skin. It can come up in different colors; it can be red, pink, or brown in color. The skin condition normally has a scaly look. It is almost always dry, crusty and rough in appearance.  A times, the keratosis can have an itchy effect on the skin. Scratching it is however not the best thing to do. If you scratch it, it will cause more damage and some bleeding may occur, a bleeding keratosis can be more complicated to treat.

With time, keratosis tends to increase in size & can actually spread. Some of the places where the skin condition can appear include the ears, legs, back, the scalp, the face and even the nose & lips. These are the areas of the body that are exposed to the sun more often. Its appearance can also be either raised or flat.

Actinic keratosis can lead to cancer. In fact, its presence on the skin is an indication of cancerous cells. This is why this skin condition must be treated very early so as to avoid the cancerous cells from spreading to other parts of the body. When you notice a new lesion or mark on your skin, you should ask a doctor to check it as soon as possible.

Actinic Keratosis Treatment

The usual method of removing actinic keratosis is by surgical removal – the lesion and surrounding tissue are literally cut out of the skin. In the case of a facial keratosis this is not ideal as the patient is left with a scar. Some topical creams have been specially designed to treat actinic keratosis. The main ingredient in these topical creams is 5-florouracil. This substance has a way of killing the cancerous cells right from within, without damaging the healthy skin. When you apply it on the skin condition, the keratosis will become extremely red and angry but will heal without scarring.

Usually treatment is recommended for a fortnight but in the case of multiple or severe keratoses it can be up to six weeks.

Seborrheic Keratosis Treatment

Seborrheic keratosis is not cancerous. Although it can actually look worse than actinic keratosis, due to the waxy brown growths. Seborrheic keratosis can be treated easily at home by using H2O2. Daily application will dry out the SK resulting in a scab forming which will fall off naturally. You can easily spot treat a facial keratosis by using a q-tip to apply the liquid.

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